Bahasa Inggris : Soal Latihan Kls 9

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

Text 1. For numbers 1-8.

I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper, Midas, Brwonie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. He’s short with long body and four strong legs. Brwonie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her fur? Brown, of course that’s why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She has a slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body. The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick short legs. He’s very strong.
I always take care of my dogs everyday.

1. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Recount                   c. Narrative
b. Descriptive              d. Report

2. The generic structure of the text is … .
a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation

3. ‘They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie’ .
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description              c. Identification
b. Orientation              d. Events

4. ‘ He’s short with long body and four strong legs’
The sentence is one of the ……… of the text.
a. Events                     c. Descriptions
b. Orientations            d. Identifications

5. How many dogs does the writer have?
a. 1                              c. 3
b. 2                              d. 4

6. What does Casper look like?
a. short with long body and strong legs
b. Brown, with long and thick fur
c. slim body, long legs
d. thin fur and dots
7. Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie? The writer calls the collie, Brownie
because ….
a. she likes brownies               c. she has brown fur
b. she has brown ear                d. she like it

8. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a …
a. Dalmatian
b. Daschun
c. Bulldog
d. Collie

Text 2. For numbers 9-15

Last week, I and my dad went to a store. We went there to buy some candies. In the store, the candies looked so good. I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies. It was yummy. I hope we come back soon.

9. What kind of text is the text above?
a. Report                     c. Narrative
b. Recount                   d. Descriptive

10. The generic structure of the text is … .
a. description – identification
b. Identification – description
c. Orientation – events – Reorientation
d. Reorientation – events – Orientation

11. ‘Last week, I and my dad went to a store’.
The sentence is the …. of the text.
a. Description
b. Orientation
c. Identification
d. Events

12. “I would have bought a lot of them but my dad said I could only have three. I gave the store owner the money for the candies. As we left the store, I ate one of the candies.”
The sentences is the … of the text
a. Description              c. Identification
b. Orientation              d. Events

13. Who went to the store?
a. I and                        c. the writer
b. my dad                    d. the writer and his dad.
14. Why did they want to go to the store?
a. The writer wanted some candies
b. The writer liked the candies
c. They knew the owner well
d. The candies looked good

15. What did the writer feel about the candies? The candies were … .
a. bad                          c. delicious
b. good                        d. the best candy

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